Friday, May 7, 2010
Double Down KFC
This sandwhich features two thick and juicy boneless white meat chicken filets, two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce.
There is no need for a bun, is what there claim is. On the commercial it's men that want their meat. Thus, the Double Down was born! haha.
And of course it comes in Crispy or grilled. Watch the commercial yourself, click here. KFC is definitely selling to a very particular demographic, the hungry male! ha. Enjoy. It does sound pretty good, now that it is lunch time.....

Found this article on the Huffington Post and New York Times. This article is about Greece and their financial rescue package.
Ok this is exactly what it happening to our Government and what is being passed. We are over reaching ourselves instead of having it to where we help those who are truly in need. I mean the government wants everyone to receive. It does not work, it is inevitable that a nation will fall. Someone has to pay for all this government health care and freebies. Taxes will rise, penalties will be enforce.
When it comes to government "free is never free," someone will pay. We already have such a screwed up system to where people that don't even pay taxes get money back from the government. What the hell!? Anyhow, this is about Greece. Of course the EU wants to step in, the is a huge push to not have countries or diversity, but to have regions and be classified as "Europeans". Not Grecians,french, Italian.... etc. The EU has already panned out regions or colonies instead of a Country's own defined borders.
By the EU stepping in the save Greece, like I said previously, free is not free. This will cost Greece something. Of course interest, but Greece will not be able to make its own rules and regulations. Kind of like if a school gets money from the Government, if you receive the you give that government the right to tell you what to with it and they can implement their own standards and rule, basically control.
I am not against government by any means, I am all for a Capitalist government with civil rights. What I am against is the Robin Hood effect. Yeah Robin Hood was supposedly doing good for those who needed it, but he was a lieing stealing crook too. Did you ever thing about that. Let me examplize it: In reference to Greece, say my neighbor over draws on his checking account, he not only can't pay the over draw amount but now he has charges on top. He is sorry and he really wants to not do this again. By him over drawing it caused the bank to be short on their funds. So I have accounts at the same bank, I have been responsible, never over exceeded my funds. The bank informs me that I need to pay this overage and draft fees of the neighbor. How is that fair when the neighbor is the one that was the one spending away until he got into the negative. And who's to say that he will learn from his mistakes? I know this is a brash example, but you get my point? There was a ime in the 90's where Japan took this socialist way of running things, it went so bad that those are known as the "Lost Years", but then they modeled things after the U.S.; a more Conservative way of running things. And thus far they are leading the world, they do have hiccups in their markets too, but not devastating, just a slow time.
You think that leaders would learn from someone else's mistakes. I may have gotten a bit off subject on this, but it all intertwines with one another.
Inbreeding Possible Factor in Deaths of Darwin's Children
Of course inbreeding is immoral in today's world, but not long ago marring ones cousin was accepted. As knowledge and technology grew so did our understanding of why its not a good idea to "keep it in the family."
I thought this article was interesting because it gave a little bit of Darwin's background that I previously did not know. Although icky, its still interesting.
It is a proven fact that animals as well as humans switch it up a bit to genetically be superior to unwanted traits or disease. To be more adaptable. For example: say Jews are the only race that carry a certain disease. Jews typically marry other Jews so they are keeping this so called disease in their bloodlines. If a Jew was to marry an Native American Indian then their children would have a chance of not having the disease. Its makes the genetics stronger when you mix it up. We do this with animals, breed out the desire traits breed in the unwanted. AND PLEASE BY ANY MEANS DON'T TAKE OFFENSE BY ME USING JEWS AND NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS AS EXAMPLES. You never know, I could be Jewish or Native American.
My conclusion; you think Darwin would have caught on to this and maybe given his more of a chance by having a stronger genetic lineage. Nothing against his wife and children though, its just weird how he was supposed to be a scientist and he that many children pass.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hispanics fear dampens Cinco de Mayo
I really don't want to be brash about the whole subject, but really... criminals are always in fear of getting caught. DUH! I feel for those who are good people and have started families here and work hard. Still doesn't change the fact that they are illegal. It's not that immigrants aren't welcome, its just that they need to be entered into our country Lawfully and Legally like the rest of us. If they want to reap the benefits of living here then they should abide the law to take proper action to becoming citizens here.
I truly feel awful for those who are here and can't enjoy their simple pleasures, like a celebration of Cinco di Mayo, but they can't enjoy a public festivity because they know they are in the wrong.
My conclusion is that both legal and illegals are anxious, but all a legal has to due is show them the proper I.D. and then go about their merry way. How hard is that? Haven't you ever had to do that at a club? Or for tobacco? Alcohol? What is so bad about asking illegals to get the proper legal citizenship? Don't think that I have a heart, because I do. I have had former employees of my families construction co. that I had to let go, because the lied about their status and showed false documentation. We should them the proper way to enter our country and have the benefits they so much needed and wanted. All though it took almost two years, they are now back and understand why it was so important. I guess the difference is they heeded to the reasoning and education of why. And today they are law abiding tax paying citizens with three beautiful children. Nuff said...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Child malnutrition
After reading the first paragraph of the article, my heart sank. The government needs to step up and do away with the "rebellion" that is stealing and killing the innocent. It breaks my heart to see person treat another like a dog.
It is obvious that the government needs to be restructured. If a city is thriving, then why are its surrounding people not? Corruption in the government? Ironic how it talked about the land being fertile and all one needed to do was drop a seed and spit, then sprouting will occur. People are so afraid of the "rebellion" that they don't plant big crops, trying not to draw attention to themselves in fear of their life!
Absolutely disgusting if you ask me. I just wonder what we here in the states can due that might help those. We are so fortunate to live in a vast land with some freedoms. Count your blessings. The US has no idea what poorest of the poor really is.
Constantly Broke?
I thought this article was simple enough for the general public to understand. Thus, I found that it might be helpful, for those that need to change habits in order to have more funds. To be honest I think we all know what to do; we just get lax in our needless spending and do what we feel at the moment instead of preparing for future.
The reason why I like money forums, is due to the fact that it takes money to live. In every aspect of our lives we need money. Whether we have lots of it or barely enough. I think we all can agree that at one point in time we had an unplanned life incident. Whether it be health related, car problems, roof damage ect....... Sometimes people need to be reminded what is important or what needs to be important.
Dave Ramsey is another good real life financial wake up host. Although I said earlier in the beginning that I liked this article and that it was simple to understand; I think it could be broken down even more. I like to be straight and upfront, it leaves no room for confusion when it comes to your money.
Sometimes it takes just a little bit of sacrifice for a short period in order to have our desires. A good rule of thumb for big ticket items: If you want it don't finance, save it then buy it. I take this to heart, I don't buy designer coffees, we don't have cable or satellite. Those little things allows my family to save for fun things, like travel, Theme parks, renovations. Remember to keep in mind for future events that are unplanned and that will put a crimp in your financial situation.
Ultimately, the quickest way to get out of being broke is to increase income. Easier said then done these days. Some of the wealthiest people are the brokest, because of frivolous spending habits. Something to chew on......
Friday, April 23, 2010
Me, do it your self-er
I had all my tools laid out. And yes I have my own tools, but these particular tools were my pretty flowered tools that are for not so real jobs. I know, I know, "flowered tools," I won them at a christmas party ok! So these tools weren't the strongest. After thinking this through on how I was gonna do this, I started to remove the lid. Then following the directions I unscrewed the water line to the tank.
Ok big mistake. Water is going every where. Like a light going off in my head I remembered, the water valve needs to be off. Ok there is no water valve. Wait there is, ok its plastic. Wait its completely cracked and broke. While all of this is going on, water is spewing all over me, and into the floor. I realize I can't get it to stop. I am calling my husband, alot of good that will do he is out of town. So I start calling people I know that live close, no one is answering.
Throwing towels every where to keep the water contained to just the bathroom and not the carpeted hallway was useless. By now there is almost a half an inch of water. I am doing the only thing left to do... cry. I sit in the water with my broken flowered tool and cracked broken valve with water spraying me.
All of a sudden the water stops. I stopped crying and started to thank God for coming to me in this time of need when I was broken and needed help. Then I look up and there are two people staring at me. Our best friends who live 2 blocks from our office. Ev and April. Ev said yeah I got your message, you have to turn the water off from outside, someone didn't install a turn off valve in this back bathroom. How he knew that I have no clue. And then April said, as for God I guess you can thank him that we got the message and came with a wrench. Haha
By this time it was dark, and sense the water was now off we called it a night left I guess they saw that I was mentally and physically exhausted and they took me out to the Kitchen Pass for good music and a beer. And yes with my wet clothes and flowered toilet in my pocket.
And as for the toilet, a new one was installed the next day by a PROFESSIONAL.
Naomi Campbell's bad temper
We all know about this woman and her temper, but when I read the article I had know idea that the reason why for all the buzz, is becasue of Mia Farrow stating that Cambell had recieved a diamond in the middle of the night from the deposed dictator Taylor.
Never the less, anyone that knows what Blood Diamonds are, understands the controversy. After watching the video clip of the abc interveiw with Cambell, I think she help her composure quite well.
Cambell did tell the journalist that she would not answer that question and she did not come there to talk about that particular subject. The journalist was obviously tring to get a "rise" out of Cambell. No means no. Poor Naomi will she ever get a good rep again? ever?
lessons from 'SpongeBob SquarePants'
Who knew that something could be learned from an underwater kitchen sponge who wears pants. The girl performed the Heimlich maneuver on her friend who was choking on a piece of bubble gum.
The girl remembered an episode in which Squidward swallowed his prized clarinet and Sponge Bob performed the Heimlich maneuver on his friend. Nice to know that something positive can be said and learned from a cartoon.
Maybe we might see more positive notes from cartoons in the future. It just might save a life.
governor signs immigration enforcement bill
Go team Brewer! I don't see a problem with enforcing immigration. What part of the word ILLEGAL immigrant do some not understand? The President I think just wants favor so he is calling this an abuse on civil rights. What? Ok, again, ILLEGAL! These are people who come over here illegally sapping us of our hard earned benefits that "we," meaning, we law abiding citizens, bought and paid for legally.
Let just give all the drug dealers that haven't been caught amnesty too. Yeah, COO COO! What a slap in the face that our government can't even be a man and follow through on the rules they set up!
Does the Mexican Consulate voice its concern? Of course not! If they are so concerned, why don't they assist their citizens instead of criticizing the U.S. for enforcing our immigration laws. Mexico enforces their immigration laws very aggressively. When was the last time the Mexican Consulate or Mexican government assited the families of U.S. citizens in any matter that occurred in Mexico? All U.S. citizens recieve is arrogant rhetoric about how Mexico is not obligated to do anything the U.S. government asks.
And again I am for Govenor Brewer and doing what is right for its US citizens and country!
Satellite speed trap
Hello! We already do this with that lilttle thing we call GPS! It calculates time, gas, mileage, location. I don't know why people are getting bent out of shape over this when they bought this and already have it, just not for nanny police to ticket them. haha.
We already have cameras at traffic lights in the U.S.I suppose this is a new thing for the UK? Go figure.
Just another form of security taking more if you ask me.
Happy Couples Talk About Sex
In the article it stated that a study was done on couples aand from that study it showed that people are happier when they spend more time discussing meaningful topics than engaging in small talk.
What do they mean by "meaningful talk?" What is meaningful to me and my man may not be meaningful to you and your significant other. Our topics are more than just gossip though. Stock trends are always at the top, but that is what we do so therefore duh. I see you rolling your eyes in the back of your head as if golf on the tv were on. Like I said what's meaningful to me may not be your cup of tea.
This did prove to be insightful on what to talk about if some of you might want to progress to the next level. I always find it helpful to bring up sex anytime there is a dull moment. This in itself always gets the coversation going or started, haha! I am a "happy couple" so I guess my title for this is spot on!
Haaaa choooooo!!
I tend to sway more towards a natural approach to home health. After all its cheaper and better for your white blood cells in the long run. But remember folks, I am not a Doctor yet, so this is strictly a personal preference and opinion.
Further more I do a saline rinse; what is that you say? It's salt and water given a snazzy name to make us think its a razzle dazzle of a product. I couple of rinses to the nostrils and then gargle with it and I am good for the week. No more stuffy,nose, head, and itchy eyes. Moving on. I agree with the article when it suggested to treat your home. Airing out your house takes out old and brings in fresh. I like to steam clean with bleach to my carpets about once a month. Five kids are a weee bit harsh on white carpet. Yes I know white, what the heck was I thinking!
Before rushing to the pharmacy or Doctor give some at home remedies a try. Worse thing that could happen is that they don't help.
Got Sleep?
I liked this article because it actually got me to think of something I had not tried yet, that is the over stimulation of lights in my room. Example: the computer light blinking when in hibernate mode, alarm clock light, night light, fax machine. As I became aware of all these things I noticed that my bedroom was not dark at all, in fact it was bright enough to read by. Why hadn't I noticed this before?
The science of it: Ahhh that big word we have heard before,serotonin. It has a close relationship to the body's sleep-wake cycle. Your serotonin levels are highest in the brain stem when you are awake and active, and almost completely absent when we enter REM sleep, the deepest stage of sleep. During sleep, your body's level of melatonin rises sharply. The production of melatonin is dependent on its synthesis in the pineal gland, which is powered by serotonin. While light increases the production of serotonin, darkness spurs on the synthesis of melatonin. Paired together, these two neurotransmitters are key in maintaining the sleep cycle.
Did you get that? Let me break it down for you..... We need darkness when we sleep so we can begin the "sleep cycle." Thus, flipping all my electronics off in my bedroom, has in fact caused me to sleep longer and better in the past 2 nights. Or it could be the glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. Hmmm go figure...
I expanded a bit on just one of the things in the article. You can get all 8 tips for better sleep by clicking the hyperlink as linked in first sentence. Nighty Night!
5 Rules for a healthy Credit Score
New rules and regulations have been applied in recent months that constitutes for fees that apply as an annul or even an inactivity fee. I know, I know this is ridiculous, but credit card companies are a business too and they have to make money as well.
I agree with most of the article. We ( my husband and I) have been in the financial business since 98, and people still have the same bad habits as they did when the economy was great. My point is, speaking of credit scores in conjunction with credit cards; creditors are looking for a payment history and how a person uses it. Are you late every month? Do you pay your bills on time? Do you stay within the contracted agreement of a payment plan? Did you pay off the debt? Were you ever 30 days late? Are you overextended (meaning, have you borrowed to much and don't make enough to pay back)? This is what determines a persons credit worthiness or credit score.
Credit cards are a fast way to up a credit score when used correctly as the article suggested. Remember though, used improperly and they burn you too. Credit cards should be used for something you already have the money for. Not emergencies! That is what a savings is for. Think of it like this, would you get a loan at 30% interest on for a new roof or pair of shoes? No of course not! Credit cards are not meant to be used as a loan, but they are great and valuable convenience when you don't want to carry cash or if the bank is closed.
My conclusion: If you are the type of person that has no self control and always wants something new, I would highly advise you not to have credit cards or even one credit card. You would do far more damage to your credit than good. It would take time to correct it too. As for those looking to gain credit, this article had some informative tips that might help you.
Happy Crediting!
Face Transplant
This is incredible! Although their was a a partial face transplant in 2005, this one is said to be a full facial transplant. IN which included nose, skin, jaws, cheekbones, and teeth.
What a feat. This will most definitely bring hope for those who have none due to their disabilities or difigurments; so they can go on and live a normal or more normal life again.
The patient seemed to be satisfied with his new face, from what the article stated, but it does raise in my mind what will be the deciding factors of which donor to use? Do the patients have a say so? In the future, will we be able to shop for for faces or others parts? Most likely not. There are already such high rules and regulations on transplants that we might still have a ways to go..... Interesting though.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Spring Break

No link because we are allowed one personal blog.
Ahh yes, for those who emailed and asked what I did over the break.... the beach of course.
The beach seems to be the only cheap thing that I enjoy these days. Not even local ventures like Branson are cheap enough for a car load of kids with ferocious appetites! Well unless you get season passes, so I am told.
Nothing more relaxing then sipping a pina colada while reading school books. Letting the kids play all day long building castles and swimming. Eating lobster fresh off the fire, yum!
Note: Camping on beaches is so much cheaper then the hotels and its fun. Although I only like to camp out for a night or two with kids. It would be really cool if next sprig break I could get another family/friends to go with us. The bigger the better!
I will try to load a couple of pics.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Casual Sex Increasing in U.S.
First response: ok college students still doing what they do. Second response: Alot of married people have been doing this sort of thing lately and gotten divorces. Third: Yuk. What, are people bored with their partners? Or can't wait til they find one?
Sex comes natural to our species, but we are the only species that does it more for fun than for reproductive reasons. Kind of scary if you ask me; not knowing a persons background or history. What if they had a sickness or disease? Is it the pain or maybe your life. If casual partners do partake at least be safe or safer about it...
It seems that sexual behavior rises when there is stress. Who knows...
Thanks for reading.
Dutch nurse acquitted of being a serial killer
I had to read this article several times before I understood it. My first response was undecided, the article was not clear to me. As I re-read it my thoughts began to grow into sympathy. Its a tragic thing for someone to be found guilty of something they did not do and then be punished for it.
The reason I reacted in a sympathetic and eventually empathetic way, is due to the fact that I am in the medical field. To think that correlations arise and that makes a person guilty when it was merely a correlation is kind of sickening.
The Dutch government took six years of this woman's life away, what kind of justice will she get? I mean that is time lost that she will never get back...... Alas, she is out now and all charges dropped.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Aussie's VS Robin Williams
I must say I did chuckle slightly at first glance. Robin Williams is what we call a comedian, the maker of jokes and laughs for audiences. There have been a worse things to get upset over than being referred to as a redneck.
Wait a minute, wasn't Australia originally a penal colony where limeys sent their criminals? Ha Ha so maybe there might be some truth to the joke after all. I take no offense to Williams' comment; I refer to myself as a bit "redneck," "old school," "straight lace," ha. Please take no offense I am simple referring to myself.
In retrospect are we becoming a world not respectful of others or are we becoming hypersensitive over silliness? Food for thought.
Soda tax to cut obesity

This article was found on Yahoo News Health. Taxing carbonated drinks at a small charge will not effect obesity, but a bigger charge might. Proposals are being made for a tax hike on sugared drinks to help stave the obesity epidemic in children.
My response: Silliness really. We will do what we want. If we want a soda we will get it, no matter what the cost. We might cut our expenses in other areas to accommodate a soda habit.
On the other hand, the majority of people don't change unless they have pain. Would hiking tax rates to 18% cause some to drink water instead? Did this work with tobacco products? This tax is targeted at children, to cause them not to buy sodas. In theory it might be good, but really its only hurting the parents... maybe?
I for one don't buy sodas, maybe every one great once in a while. And it is not that I am anti-soda. I was raised on water, milk, and the southern classic iced tea! I see more people moving towards all the fake sugar products, but then overload on other things. Example: At the theater there was a man who ordered 2 large diet soda's and also ordered 3 large popcorn bowls slathered with butter. (Again I am not judging, I myself love slathered, buttered, movie theater popcorn! also love the word slathered makes butter sound better.I can't believe its not butter?anyhow)What was the point in the gentleman getting the "diet", did he feel like he could eat more because his soda has no sugar or calories? Ex-Naye on the Food-Aye? Do you see what I am saying? How is a tax gonna help the obesity issue.
I actually knew this gentleman. The beat goes on... In this article it sounds like to me that the tax has been implemented in some areas and was proven ineffective. Case closed. And if people really want an alternative to soda with out having to worry about another tax hike on it; try water its free, pure and what we all must have to live. Or for those who have city water, your already paying for it, why not drink a little more of it instead of buying a soda? But then again a nice ice cold rootbeer in a chilled mug sounds really good in this 80 degree weather ha!
My first emotional response is nothing. I am very neutral on vaccinations. If you need vaccinations get them, if the flu is rampant in your neighborhood, get it.
I for one have never had the flu or a flu shot. I also take into note all benefits and risk factors. If I was at a high risk I would take the vaccine.
Lets face it nobody wants to get the flu. The dreaded, head-pounding, body-aching, feverish, nauseating, cough-fest packs equal parts misery and inconvenience. Sounds like a NyQuil commercial.On the other hand, who wants to get an unnecessary or ineffective, vaccine either. "About 86 million Americans have been vaccinated since October. At first, doses were hard to come by because of supply limitations. Now that is more readily available the rush has slowed?
In reality we need to remember: every year people die from or get sick from the flu. And every year its a different of new strain. In my personal opinion, I think each person and or parent should weigh the benefits and risk. Do the benefits out-weigh the risk or vise-versa?
Also, it really is by region or state as well. Some countries or states were effected by the flu more than others, thus causing the need for vaccinations. What are your thoughts? To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
Friday, March 19, 2010
spring break
Friday, March 12, 2010
Stupid Nail Story
A couple of months ago I had my nails done. Never had fake nails before, I was excited. They still did not look like I wanted them too or what I told the skinny old woman with a mole on her chin what I wanted.
Simple American french manicure acrylics! Ms. Chow or How or Cow.... whatever, starts to get the super white very square tips, I told her no no the clearer oval AMERICAN!! she said, "ahhh you like natural, si si.." I said, "yi yi!" Ms. Chow or How, gets them on and leaves them square. I paid not happily I might add and go home to file them round, they are ok.
A couple of weeks later I go for a fill. A man does it. He does a crap of a job. So now its two weeks later. I decide to not pay someone to do my nails, when I end up fixing them after the fact. I run to that store, yes WAL-MART! Buy the acrylic nail kit.
Attempting to do this myself. I soak the old nails trying to get them off. I started this at 10:00 am. I got completely done at 5:30 pm. I decided it is so worth paying an old moley woman who is cussing at me in a language I can't understand to do it in 30 minutes and rubs my feet. Than for me to piss and moan because I am so disgusted with myself that I refuse to waste these really bad ones that I did... and rip and soak them off too.
I guess I will deal with it for a month. Sometimes you have to grin and bear it. I owe Ms. Chow, How, Cow? whatever .... I owe her a big tip, and a thank you next time!
Teacher-student sex 'never the kid's fault'
Disgusting if you ask me. Who is the adult here? If someone is having illegal sexual thoughts, it sure would be nice for them to take the initiative and seek professional help. Or talk to their spouse about it. Maybe spice things up with the spouse?
As the article stated, this type of thing is more prevalent with male teachers than with females teachers, it is just the media that puts the female teachers in the spot light.
Is it really the teachers fault? I for one think so. On the other side of things, kids today are very sexual; they act and dress like it too. Who is to say that the under age student involved wasn't consenting. He maybe wanted to. And obviously did. On more than one occasion. What gives a 33 year old the right to play or give into the pleasures and emotion of this act even if the feeling was mutual? ABSOLUTELY NONE!!!! The teacher is supposed to be the adult! Holy crap!
Calming down, breathe. I think that the only reason the teacher turned herself in is because someone else found out and was going to smear her and her family in the media. Could it be that her husband found out and him being a man of uniform gave her an ultimatum to turn herself in? Who knows, it is still very very wrong and disturbing.
Netflix downgraded
To be quite frank, this will not really matter to me. Netflix is cheap enough that its worth it to not have late fees. They also have so many streaming video feed you can watch movies instantly without having to wait on snail mail.
As for Netflix's stock, well it already has seen a dip fluctuation. With its all time high being $71.59 on Thursday, to its -1.33 drop making it $69.86 a share. For those of us that have stock this is not a big deal.
With Redbook biting at Netflix's feet, Netflix might just have to get their creative edge back. Maybe offering video games as well...? Or possibly for every 100th movie watched you get one month free...? With all the free sites out there for example: Hulu, Utube, ect.. There are a wide range of options. I don't have cable or satellite just because I que everything up from the internet. My television is even connected. Instant free or almost streaming video feed.
I am a big believer in keeping our local business's open. It was difficult for me to finally conform and join Netflix, taking my money away from Crown Video. It was inevitable though, knowing that I already use the internet for most shows anyhow. I tried the two week free trial from Netflix and was sold! Whether or not they might raise prices is irrelevant when you consider all the benefits. Ha I sound like a Netflix commercial!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cell Phone Spy
I found this article on ABCNEWS.COM. The article is explaining how easy it is to put CIA style tracking software on your gps enabled smart phone.
My first response to this was, I wonder how many people didn't even know this kind of thing was available until ABC blabbed it to the whole nation. I guess I am doing the same thing blogging about it. I suppose the cat's out of the bag now anyway.
Although this article is disturbing, I am more disturbed that it was on national television. This is not too different from the news segment showing how check washing was being done and how easy it was to get the chemicals. They showed step by step how it was being done. Then there was a spike in check fraud months later. Ditto with the spy software on cell phones.
No one should be surprised when searches for this software skyrocket and they sell a kagillion downloads. At least ABC went through a few tips for identifying that you have been hacked and what to do about it.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So I have been thinking deeply into my self exploration to see what impact I actually have on the people that I come in contact with. Trying to do big things to help or make a difference, but when actually all it takes is a simple little thing to make a big impact....
There are times in our life when we don't take action because we feel the action is too little, that it wouldn't make a difference. However, sometimes the smallest gesture can make a huge impact on someone's life. I guess this sentence just repeated what I said in the first sentence... There are many different ways we can show kindness to others, and it doesn't have to be in a big way.
The simplest of things may make the difference. A smile, a door being held open, a handwritten note, a kind word, that little back massage to my husband before he starts his day. The list can go on and on.
I was recently reading some of Aesop's fables and came across the story of The Lion and The Mouse. And yes I have a gaggle full of children so I have an excuse for reading children's books!While this story has been around for a long time, it still has wisdom in its words. Below is the story, my shortened version.
One day a Lion was asleep when a little Mouse began running up and down his back; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.While you may think the story is far fetched, the point I found in reading the story is not the size of the action that is important, but the difference that a small action made.
"Please don't," cried the little Mouse "forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?"
The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him that he lifted up his paw and let him go.
Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, he pulled with all his might, but the ropes were too strong. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight, in which the Lion was, went up to him, and with his sharp little teeth gnawed away the ropes, setting the Lion free.
"You once laughed at me," said the mouse. You thought I was too little to do you a good turn. But see, you owe your life to a poor little mouse."
No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.
Many Blessings.
Starbucks and Guns
My first reaction was humor, but then as I thought more about the issue I was perturbed. Putting my self into the story do I really want everyone to be carrying guns. I don't know what a persons' mental health may be, or what might set them off and without thinking about it grab their gun.
Don't we have enough accidents as it is? Why set yourself up or others for what might be a dangerous situation. I for one am all guns. But they do have a purpose and a place. Why would someone want to carry a gun into a store for coffee? Just to look big? I carry my rifle when I hunt or to the shooting range. What is others purpose?
I thank Starbucks for not wanting to get in the middle of it, but also I am pissed off at the gun owners for putting Starbucks in this predicament. That in itself is childish and not to classy. And this was the people who were thinking of themselves and what they can do walking around with their guns. Enough said.
HealthCare Time
I found this article on Yahoo News. Obama is wanting action not talks for the push to get this health care issue handled. Now with the surprize of Scott Brown's win on the Republican's side, it could mean a filibuster will be on the menu. Alas, the dreaded "reconciliation", it could be the Demacrates only way to push this new health care plan into the Houses. To be or not to be......
I am not so thrilled about parts of the healthcare plan so of course I am glad that we have Scott Brown. Who to say where he excactly stands either? But, it does give a glimer of hope that the Republicans might Filibuster the issue.
Let's remember folks both Houses have to agree and sign off. Yeah good luck with that. The Senate bill does not have the public option. Which is a government run insurance plan that is meant to accelerate coverage costs downward and the Stupak Amendment, a controversial restriction on abortion rights that helped win many conservative Democrats. Government is a tricky thing. What is more important is what we the people want! The idea of government run healthcare might sound good, but I for one don't want to give the government control over my health. I don't want the government dictating when, where, and how much, for me.
With me wanting to be a Doctor I don't see this New Health Care Plan benefiting Doctors in anyway. They will be limited to their abitities. With that said, and with all the variables at hand this whole thing could still fall apart.. Only time will tell.
Friday, February 26, 2010
the more you do it, the better you get
So , why is the fine art of complaining so prevalent?hmmmmm...
Well, the story is that it is easier to complain than to accept responsibility for what may be wrong in your life. If you accept responsibility for some of your woes, you may have to take action that changes events in your life. Now, why would you want to do that? lol , anyone feeling little conviction yet? This insight is from the reflection of my own life...
The truth is this. You can change from negative to positive only if you choose to. No one forces you to be negative, and no one forces you to be positive. The choice is yours', and yours' alone. If you really want to change your life for the better, you need to accept the basic principle that it is up to you. You can control your thoughts, you can control your emotions, and you can control what and where you go in life. This what I tell my kids in a certain situation, ok Robert, you can brush your teeth, or you can get a spanking and brush your teeth, its YOUR DECISION.. either way you are going to brush, but you choose in which path will get you there.the happy path or the crying one.
Nay sayers and negative people are everywhere. And, you'll also find a host of so-called friends that will tell you that you can't do or have more than they do because this would burst their bubble of complaining. These so-called friends want you to fail so that they can validate their existence - an existence full of misdirection, negative thinking, and expecting everything for nothing. OK I don't have my bible on hand , but somewhere in Proverbs, it says stay away from the fool... I will give you the exact scripture to back this up later ...
To begin the process to positive change, make a commitment to yourself that you will be more, have more, and do more. Once you take responsibility for your own actions, your behaviors, your thoughts, you are beginning to take a positive step forward. Once you start, ban all negative thinkers from influencing you. Turn a deaf ear to those who would ridicule you for beginning a course that creates positives not negatives. Better yet, associate yourself with positive, encouraging, and helpful people. They do exist.
Alas, my husband and I are positive thinkers from this day forward.
I have made a good effort, now its actually became a habit to be happy and positive. It sure makes the days easier in the midst of chaos.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Feeling SAD?
I found this article on Yahoo Health. This article is about a depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of depression that affects a person during the same season each year. For example: You get depressed in the winter but feel much better in summer.
I understand this disorder and have seen friends go through this due to their environment. Where they live the winters are long and dark, with only 2 hours of a dusk type daylight sometimes. I have seen this type of depression first hand with the seasons.
I think the important thing is to identify it, and see a doctor. When I go and visit Alaska in the winter, it takes me a week or two for my body to adjust to the climate and lack of sun. My friends go to tanning beds to get a sense of light or sun and increase their exercise regimen.
Many people overlook their health physically and mentally. I am not saying that every one is depressed, but I what I am saying is that for those that are, don't you want to live life at your best?
Migraines and Strokes
I read this article in Yahoo Health. This article is about adults who have suffered migraine headaches and therefore being at higher risk for ischemic strokes.
My first response was,"lovely something else to worry about." Not so much now that I researched it a tad bit more. It's alarming to me how many women have migraines. Things that we put off thinking that it is normal, when it is not.
The so called "theory" that migraines were caused by rapid changes in brain blood vessels might explain the symbiosis or I should say relationship between migraine and ischemic strokes. The "theory" is no longer correct. There is still not any scientific knowledge of why people with migraine headaches have a higher risk of strokes.
I think it it would be wise for people with migraines pay attention to "measures that lessen their likelihood of having a stroke" I mean, if you knew you were at risk wouldn't you want to lesson your chances of a possible stroke? You only get one body to live this life in, so take care of it!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fed hikes discount rate
Blah, blah. Lots of boring money talk. Let me tell you what I think. The markets see through this precursor for changes to come. The markets are plenty scared of this administrations anti profit agenda. This has become the deepest recession since the 1930's primarily because of the initial government response. The current administration may see profit as evil but businesses that are profitable are good for everybody.
I have too many people close to me that are suffering from the diminishing job market. Although we all like all the government handouts, the markets know the actual effect of the inevitable tax increases, that will be required to pay for them ,will mean to the business that will need to do the hiring in any recovery. The free markets are great looking glasses as to how immediate policy moves are likely to effect the economy.
Raising the discount and federal funds rates will be necessary as we move into a recovery but even the Fed doesn't see that happening before 2011. Predictions that far out mean that they are being optimistic and assume we should be looking at a recovery at some point. I just hope they don't use news like January's unemployment rate going down by 0.4% while the US economy lost 22,000 more jobs in one month. Does that not make sense to anyone else?
Conan baby
Remember the silly writers strike? When all the late night host grew beards until the strike was over. Yeah, way back when.... in 2007. History repeats itself. Conan has a beard again. So I guess it might grow until he has another show?
I personally love Conan, he is my inspiration when life gets ya down. I loved him when he wrote for Saturday Night Live, and the Simpson's. If he wants a beard it's his prerogative.
He is still historically goofy funny. Who else can do an invisible needle and thread through the hip joints and keep the crowd begging to do it again? It is nice to see someone that can do something out of the ordinary and make it work, (the beard.)
Conan I will take you anyway you look! You still will make me laugh just the same!
I am outraged. Outraged because I have a gaggle full of kids who I buy games for, which I might add are not cheap. It just really ticks me off that a company wants to make a mandatory internet connection log in just to play the game that I bought at the store. Why sell games in the first place. Why not just have all their games online and do away with disk all together? I am being sarcastic. I for one don't allow my children to have access to the internet with out supervision. Games are their alternative to getting online.
What about those who don't have internet? Those who have a game they can't play now are left in the dust, with a no return policy. What is so bad about registering your product that you bought, doesn't that solve some part of piracy?
I don't think piracy is ok, but I do think its ok for the owner of the media to copy for own personal use. I do not agree with this company wanting to do this so called protection of copy rights thing. Their revenue will go down I assure you.
In not so nice Godly words, screw you Ubisoft. XBOX Borderlands, welcome back.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Robot to take starring role
Okay, Okay. I know that the terminator is a little out there, but I can see this becoming a problem in the workforce. Companies choosing "bots" over us. Cheaper, cleaner, faster, less expensive than us. Let's face it, robots will not be getting a salary. Just purchase the model needed at the low down one time buying price.
We already have some form of this type of technology in our households, just on the beginning stage or lower end of the spectrum. For example: Roomba the robotic vacuum, any kind of sensor, or security system or interacting interface. I could go on and on.
As cool as this Robot princess may be, I don't want to give the impression that I am scared of a Robot Apocalypse. I am just merely stating some of the disadvantageous that crossed my mind when reading this article. Robots can be very useful as well. Their usefulness I will touch on another day.
I am not sure on where I stand at this point about stem cell research. Giving the fact that stem cells are like no other cells in the body, makes this a delicate subject. Secondly, that in the past the only way to get stem cells were from fetuses. You can get stem cells from other places as well.
Embryonic stem cells, they are harvested from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst seven to ten days after fertilization.
Fetal stem cells, these cells are taken from the germline tissues that will make up the gonads of aborted fetuses.
Umbilical cord stem cells, umbilical cord blood contains stem cells similar to those found in bone marrow.
Placenta derived stem cells, up to ten times as many stem cells can be harvested from a placenta as from cord blood.
Adult stem cells , many adult tissues contain stem cells that can be isolated.
The goals of stem cell research include curing diseases, cloning, and gene-line engineering. Cloning is directed towards making duplicate animals or humans. Gene-line engineering is directed toward permanent change in disease resistance and aesthetic and functional enhancements.
Although I am conflicted on the subject, I am also for research and new cures. I need to do more research on why stem cells from fetuses are the number one choice instead of the other derived places in which I stated above.
One thing does stand in my mind. Research, we need to find out what works and what doesn't. Maybe someday soon there will be a cure for those with permanent disabilities as a result of brain damage. How incredible would that be? That our brains might be able repair areas damaged by stroke, traumas, or diseases. Cool, very cool.
I think it is a cool concept, making senior friendly park equipment. It is a known fact that as we age we become less active and maybe socialize less as well. This concept is becoming popular and catching, in places like Europe, Asia, and the UK. Maybe it will spill over to the US.
This will help get the elderly motivated and socializing if they aren't. With the user friendly equipment it might just help in improving strength and flexibility. I know what you might be thinking; why not just go to the gym? Same reason why half of us don't, the extra expense as well as being intimidated by "too much firm flesh."
Maybe all of us can agree that getting outdoors is good for the soul, whether it be a stroll in the park or playing teeter toter.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Drop in the jobless
I ran across this article on Yahoo Business News. For what the government is saying I don't think is true. I don't think that there is less unemployment now.
Anyone that has taken a US Government class knows how unemployment is counted. There are still many without jobs that have used all their unemployment benefits that are not being counted as unemployed; even if they still haven't found a job. Let me clarify: When a persons unemployment benefits run out they drop of the rolls of the "unemployed list" Meaning they aren't counted as unemployed even when they are still unemployed. It is not a fair statement to say that because the unemployment rate drops .4 percent that all those people are employed. Lets separate the two factors. Unemployed and the jobless. Those are two different numbers, and have different criteria to be counted.
Reality, we are still without jobs. The real unemployment rate will go down when we have a net gain of more than 125,000 jobs a month. To offset the number of people entering the workforce; anything less than 125,000 new jobs each month, will mean you are losing ground to the new people entering the workforce.
To illustrate, in January 2010, the Labor Department reported a lose of another 20,000 jobs, and another 125,000 entered the workforce. So how does unemployment drop .4% when there is 20,000 fewer jobs to be had?
Maybe its all ploy to keep good moral within the U.S. or should I say political jockeying? In the words of a great man I know(my husband)"sounds like fuzzy math."
Pork better for sex than Viagra?
My point: If that statement were in fact true wouldn't we have been buying all the pork we could get our hands on? I am not speaking of me....Of course, just everyone in this country. Ha.
I think that President Cristina Fernandez is getting paid to say this or trading in politics of some sorts, so it will help the pork industry. Never the less her husband might like the fact that his wife just announced to the entire world that they had an incredible weekend. On the other hand, it sounds a bit more like that saying,"he's the man," only he is not the man, the pork is.
This subject is not all that important, but interesting in a comical way. Whether pork, beef, or chicken, might cause arousal in some; I think that the President really needs to thank her man for the enjoyment instead of the pig.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Obama, Obama, you hiding a mama?
Some of us can be harshly critical to slash and slander the pediatrician in this article. Not every "body" type are created equal. To be faced with the fear that your own children might be overweight is concerning. 2 of my five children have faced this very issue. What does a parent do. Michelle is merely coming at it from a parents point of view and sharing to the world. Yes her daughters private lives and issues are now out. For people to say, that by Michelle telling this, might some how cause her daughters to have future eating disorders is a bit concerning. Why must we point blame again and again. The lady is merely trying to help. How does Sasha and Malia feel about it? Who knows. I am not one to tell someone else how to raise their child, but when asked I will try to give sound advice from my learning experience's.
"Even with one-third of American children classified as overweight or obese, several critics are far more concerned with Michelle Obama’s anecdotal use of her daughters."I think we need to realize who the one's are that are passing judgment, the so called "critics".
I feel the First lady's concern. You want to teach your children the correct ways to live so they can grow up to be happy, healthy, stable adults. Teaching them that different choices have different outcomes. I have been ridiculed from peers, for teaching my children that they don't have to eat out of boredom. It is an unhealthy habit to start. But that is just one very simple example.
Why is it scandalous to get it out in the open, to talk, to invent new ways, to get the family involved? Being unhealthy, is that America's dirty little secret? That we should all keep behind close doors and live with our health problems. Whether it be inherited or caused from disease or just bad choices. I stand to say, that all of us could make better choices in the way we treat our bodies, skinny, overweight, or obese. Let's become more aware of these issues and see what we need to do or illuminate, to make a better self and then implement those things. Perfect health and wellness is there ever such a thing? Maybe not, but there is always room for improvement.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Teen pregnancy is on the rise after a ten year decline. There was a four percent rise in births and one percent rise in abortions. Compared to other countries, the
My thoughts: It could just be a mere coincidence that this issue is on the rise after a 10 year decline. I hate it when people want to blame someone else for the issues. I am speaking of the current administration. Is it their fault? Who knows? Let's just try to solve it and get on with it! I think that in today's world teens have so much more pressure and stress. Let's face it; sex is a proven stress reliever. It is good for the body, mind, and soul. Not to say that teens need to be doing it. I believe there is a time and place for everything. Teens take on an "adult act" and they
sometimes have to face "adult decisions" that will affect the rest of their lives. Good or bad. So why not educate teens more on their level? Get the real issues out there. What they want need or are looking for. I do believe in abstinence, it’s safer. With the pregnancy on the rise, do these statistics give the circumstances of the tests? Meaning, maybe pregnancy is on the rise, because more young girls are choosing not to abort. Wow, I was a teen once and I remember the issues, thoughts and uncertainty I had in my head. I was educated on sides, abstinence and safe sex. I was married at the young age of seventeen going on eighteen (that's a song, right?). One year later we decided to have children. It’s scary for me to think how dramatically different my life would have been if I wasn't taught the importance of these issues. I just hope all five of my children value the importance of this issue and understand it. It is actually even being scarier for me now; one of my baby's have their own baby when they aren't even mentally, physically, socially ready themselves.
With that said, we are all human. We all fall into the gaps of not having self control at times in our lives. The difference is teens don't reason like an adult would.
This is me being honest and open on some thoughts I have on sex and teen pregnancy.
Read the article, just click below.
Schwarzenegger and Prison, What?
My thoughts: So what is wrong with sending illegals back? Especially the ones that are convicted. Why are we paying for inmates that don't even belong here in the first place? I personally don't want to give my hard earned dollar to someone that is breaking the law in the first place. Not to say that I don't have mercy or empathy for those in the predicament. I think Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger brings about a valid point. That U.S. prisons are over-stacked and overworked on inmates that are being housed in facilities that are busting at the seams. I am not so sure about us giving money to Mexico to build, house, and run the prisons, but we also don't want to burden Mexico either. It would be cheaper doing that; than coping with the current "busting at the seams" situation. This will take time at the drawing board I'm sure. I am definitely in agreement there is no reason why we should have just state employees and public prisons. Why not explore private prisons. Like I previously stated this would allow for competition; driving better service and cheaper prices as well as a supply of jobs. Whats your thoughts?
For more on the story click the link to the article below.
Monday, January 25, 2010
PlayStation looks to lead the pack again in the online gaming world. Sony is
upping the ante on this new style of military gaming that is simply named "MAG". Vastly expanding the arena style format too an open environment game. For the gamers out there, this will be an ever evolving game, with maps and a earn your badge type of system that will allow you to level up to higher ranks allowing a player to command larger and larger squads. This newest evolution of online gaming is brought to by the team that made SOCOM. Though the first beta testing has concluded there will be a second test run for you to download and to try it out for your self on January 26.
My thoughts …. Sony has long been a pioneer in the coop versions of games and
creating new games with online competition in mind from the start. When I heard MAG
was being developed by the same team that brought is the legendary SOCOM series of
first person shooters, I knew they had the experience to really do this concept right. Previously online gaming with environments this large was limited to PC users only. With billions of dollars at stake for the console industry and pressure from stockholders to keep up with the Xbox Juggernaut, this seems like an obvious business growth direction. The key to this first foray into this new genre with be their ability to create a squad system that encourages cooperative play. Otherwise, a game this large could quickly digress into chaos. From the descriptions in this article and the video preview they may have a few bugs to work out with the command console. This much action in one place was previously only found in real time strategy games with a handful of players controlling whole armies that will follow directions implicitly. With this new format commanders will have to rely on the willingness of individuals that are continuously joining and leaving an online environment to follow their commanders’ instructions to accomplish larger objectives.
With all that said, Game On!
For more on the article, its just a click away….">