Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Casual Sex Increasing in U.S.

Article of the day was found on Yahoo News. It is about people having more sex with no strings attached. At least that is what I got out of it. Apparently, here in the U.S.researchers have seen a major shift toward non-romantic sexual partnerships.

First response: ok college students still doing what they do. Second response: Alot of married people have been doing this sort of thing lately and gotten divorces. Third: Yuk. What, are people bored with their partners? Or can't wait til they find one?

Sex comes natural to our species, but we are the only species that does it more for fun than for reproductive reasons. Kind of scary if you ask me; not knowing a persons background or history. What if they had a sickness or disease? Is it the pain or maybe your life. If casual partners do partake at least be safe or safer about it...

It seems that sexual behavior rises when there is stress. Who knows...
Thanks for reading.


  1. Bonnie, I agree with you last statement. I think that the more stressed or unhappy we become, people tend to look toward activities that relieve the stress. What better way than sex?

    From what I observe, it does seem that NSA sex is much more prevalent than ever before. In fact, NSA sex among married couples seems to be on the rise, coordinating with a rise in "swingers", "wife sharing", etc.

    I'm not here to judge if all this sex is right or wrong, (it is) but I would also like to support your least BE SAFE!

  2. Is it acually the sex or just the being wanted feeling that people want? As a marriage gets into upper years some of the romance and communication is lost. Then here comes someone paying attention to you and "bam" you have an encounter. Just a thought.
