Found this article on the Huffington Post and New York Times. This article is about Greece and their financial rescue package.
Ok this is exactly what it happening to our Government and what is being passed. We are over reaching ourselves instead of having it to where we help those who are truly in need. I mean the government wants everyone to receive. It does not work, it is inevitable that a nation will fall. Someone has to pay for all this government health care and freebies. Taxes will rise, penalties will be enforce.
When it comes to government "free is never free," someone will pay. We already have such a screwed up system to where people that don't even pay taxes get money back from the government. What the hell!? Anyhow, this is about Greece. Of course the EU wants to step in, the is a huge push to not have countries or diversity, but to have regions and be classified as "Europeans". Not Grecians,french, Italian.... etc. The EU has already panned out regions or colonies instead of a Country's own defined borders.
By the EU stepping in the save Greece, like I said previously, free is not free. This will cost Greece something. Of course interest, but Greece will not be able to make its own rules and regulations. Kind of like if a school gets money from the Government, if you receive the you give that government the right to tell you what to with it and they can implement their own standards and rule, basically control.
I am not against government by any means, I am all for a Capitalist government with civil rights. What I am against is the Robin Hood effect. Yeah Robin Hood was supposedly doing good for those who needed it, but he was a lieing stealing crook too. Did you ever thing about that. Let me examplize it: In reference to Greece, say my neighbor over draws on his checking account, he not only can't pay the over draw amount but now he has charges on top. He is sorry and he really wants to not do this again. By him over drawing it caused the bank to be short on their funds. So I have accounts at the same bank, I have been responsible, never over exceeded my funds. The bank informs me that I need to pay this overage and draft fees of the neighbor. How is that fair when the neighbor is the one that was the one spending away until he got into the negative. And who's to say that he will learn from his mistakes? I know this is a brash example, but you get my point? There was a ime in the 90's where Japan took this socialist way of running things, it went so bad that those are known as the "Lost Years", but then they modeled things after the U.S.; a more Conservative way of running things. And thus far they are leading the world, they do have hiccups in their markets too, but not devastating, just a slow time.
You think that leaders would learn from someone else's mistakes. I may have gotten a bit off subject on this, but it all intertwines with one another.
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