Friday, April 23, 2010

Haaaa choooooo!!

If any of you have read any previous post it is not hard to believe that I found this article on Yahoo Health. Would you like a side of tree pollen with that? You guessed it, Allergy Season is back! Just wanted to post something everyone around me is dealing with. Couple of natural ways to help remedy the Haaa Chooo season.

I tend to sway more towards a natural approach to home health. After all its cheaper and better for your white blood cells in the long run. But remember folks, I am not a Doctor yet, so this is strictly a personal preference and opinion.

Further more I do a saline rinse; what is that you say? It's salt and water given a snazzy name to make us think its a razzle dazzle of a product. I couple of rinses to the nostrils and then gargle with it and I am good for the week. No more stuffy,nose, head, and itchy eyes. Moving on. I agree with the article when it suggested to treat your home. Airing out your house takes out old and brings in fresh. I like to steam clean with bleach to my carpets about once a month. Five kids are a weee bit harsh on white carpet. Yes I know white, what the heck was I thinking!

Before rushing to the pharmacy or Doctor give some at home remedies a try. Worse thing that could happen is that they don't help.

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