This article was found on Yahoo News Health. Taxing carbonated drinks at a small charge will not effect obesity, but a bigger charge might. Proposals are being made for a tax hike on sugared drinks to help stave the obesity epidemic in children.
My response: Silliness really. We will do what we want. If we want a soda we will get it, no matter what the cost. We might cut our expenses in other areas to accommodate a soda habit.
On the other hand, the majority of people don't change unless they have pain. Would hiking tax rates to 18% cause some to drink water instead? Did this work with tobacco products? This tax is targeted at children, to cause them not to buy sodas. In theory it might be good, but really its only hurting the parents... maybe?
I for one don't buy sodas, maybe every one great once in a while. And it is not that I am anti-soda. I was raised on water, milk, and the southern classic iced tea! I see more people moving towards all the fake sugar products, but then overload on other things. Example: At the theater there was a man who ordered 2 large diet soda's and also ordered 3 large popcorn bowls slathered with butter. (Again I am not judging, I myself love slathered, buttered, movie theater popcorn! also love the word slathered makes butter sound better.I can't believe its not butter?anyhow)What was the point in the gentleman getting the "diet", did he feel like he could eat more because his soda has no sugar or calories? Ex-Naye on the Food-Aye? Do you see what I am saying? How is a tax gonna help the obesity issue.
I actually knew this gentleman. The beat goes on... In this article it sounds like to me that the tax has been implemented in some areas and was proven ineffective. Case closed. And if people really want an alternative to soda with out having to worry about another tax hike on it; try water its free, pure and what we all must have to live. Or for those who have city water, your already paying for it, why not drink a little more of it instead of buying a soda? But then again a nice ice cold rootbeer in a chilled mug sounds really good in this 80 degree weather ha!
Why did you have to mention the Root Beer? You are SO anti-soda...just kidding.
ReplyDeleteI wrote about this tax on my blog a couple of weeks ago. This has nothing to do with the health of our children, no more than the Health Care Reform is about lowering health insurance premiums. The government is just looking for a way to get their sticky fingers on more of your money through taxes. And, just as is the case with cigarettes, people say "Well they're bad for you anyway. Who cares?" I care! The real kicker is that there have been studies shown that people actually gain more weight drinking diet sodas.
And when the sales go down on sodas because they get expensive, what do you think will happen then? Tax candy bars, fruit juice, etc. It will never end.
This is retarded. I mean they raised ciggerret tax like $5.00 people still smoke. You can tax whatever you want and they are still going to do what they want.