Thursday, February 18, 2010

Conan baby

Conan O'BrienI found this on Yahoo, of course.

Remember the silly writers strike? When all the late night host grew beards until the strike was over. Yeah, way back when.... in 2007. History repeats itself. Conan has a beard again. So I guess it might grow until he has another show?

I personally love Conan, he is my inspiration when life gets ya down. I loved him when he wrote for Saturday Night Live, and the Simpson's. If he wants a beard it's his prerogative.

He is still historically goofy funny. Who else can do an invisible needle and thread through the hip joints and keep the crowd begging to do it again? It is nice to see someone that can do something out of the ordinary and make it work, (the beard.)

Conan I will take you anyway you look! You still will make me laugh just the same!

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