Friday, April 30, 2010

Child malnutrition

This article is found on Associated Press. This is about the malnutrition of children in the Ivory Coast, which is one of the most developed countries in Africa.

After reading the first paragraph of the article, my heart sank. The government needs to step up and do away with the "rebellion" that is stealing and killing the innocent. It breaks my heart to see person treat another like a dog.

It is obvious that the government needs to be restructured. If a city is thriving, then why are its surrounding people not? Corruption in the government? Ironic how it talked about the land being fertile and all one needed to do was drop a seed and spit, then sprouting will occur. People are so afraid of the "rebellion" that they don't plant big crops, trying not to draw attention to themselves in fear of their life!

Absolutely disgusting if you ask me. I just wonder what we here in the states can due that might help those. We are so fortunate to live in a vast land with some freedoms. Count your blessings. The US has no idea what poorest of the poor really is.

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