No link because we are allowed one personal blog.
Ahh yes, for those who emailed and asked what I did over the break.... the beach of course.
The beach seems to be the only cheap thing that I enjoy these days. Not even local ventures like Branson are cheap enough for a car load of kids with ferocious appetites! Well unless you get season passes, so I am told.
Nothing more relaxing then sipping a pina colada while reading school books. Letting the kids play all day long building castles and swimming. Eating lobster fresh off the fire, yum!
Note: Camping on beaches is so much cheaper then the hotels and its fun. Although I only like to camp out for a night or two with kids. It would be really cool if next sprig break I could get another family/friends to go with us. The bigger the better!
I will try to load a couple of pics.
Pic was beautiful! I agree, it is very difficult to vacation on a budget these days. I went to Branson last summer to vacation and the only way we really were able to enjoy it was because I collect Coke points and we used them to get free to both White Water and Silver Dollar City. It was a great time, but we wouldn't have had nearly as much fun if we hadn't gotten them for free.