Thursday, April 1, 2010

Aussie's VS Robin Williams

Prime Minister of Sydney apparently lashed out at Williams for his use of the word "rednecks." I found this article on Yahoo news. This article did not change my further thought about Robin Williams.

I must say I did chuckle slightly at first glance. Robin Williams is what we call a comedian, the maker of jokes and laughs for audiences. There have been a worse things to get upset over than being referred to as a redneck.

Wait a minute, wasn't Australia originally a penal colony where limeys sent their criminals? Ha Ha so maybe there might be some truth to the joke after all. I take no offense to Williams' comment; I refer to myself as a bit "redneck," "old school," "straight lace," ha. Please take no offense I am simple referring to myself.

In retrospect are we becoming a world not respectful of others or are we becoming hypersensitive over silliness? Food for thought.


  1. I like what you wrote! In my mind, we are all getting too easily offended. It seems the media and society thinks that we can all get through life without offending anyone and this is simply impossible. For example, my wife noticed on Facebook on one of the games she plays, it reads "Happy April" where it shows Easter eggs.
    Happy April? Well, it doesn't take long to figure out they are just not saying Happy Easter because it might offend someone. But what about those of us who like to hear Happy Easter? Does that not offend us?
    To get a really good laugh, find the song "Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday" by Brad Paisley. It's all about being PC and how we get so easily offended. Instead of learning how to recognize when we are being offended, we should be teaching people to toughen up and take it with a grain of salt.

  2. I agree with you, this article is rather silly. For Australia to take the time and energy to declare they are upset with a comedian is a pretty big waste of everyone's attention. Maybe if they were declaring war on plastic bags or people who pollute rivers I could understand. I guess there always has to be something for people to get upset over, so why not heckle a heckler?
