Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This article is found on Health News at Stem cell research, very tricky or should I say controversial. A UK firm gets the "go ahead" in their clinical trial to assess whether or not stem cell therapy can help patients disabled by stroke.

I am not sure on where I stand at this point about stem cell research. Giving the fact that stem cells are like no other cells in the body, makes this a delicate subject. Secondly, that in the past the only way to get stem cells were from fetuses. You can get stem cells from other places as well.

Embryonic stem cells, they are harvested from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst seven to ten days after fertilization.
Fetal stem cells, these cells are taken from the germline tissues that will make up the gonads of aborted fetuses.
Umbilical cord stem cells, umbilical cord blood contains stem cells similar to those found in bone marrow.
Placenta derived stem cells, up to ten times as many stem cells can be harvested from a placenta as from cord blood.
Adult stem cells , many adult tissues contain stem cells that can be isolated.
The goals of stem cell research include curing diseases, cloning, and gene-line engineering. Cloning is directed towards making duplicate animals or humans. Gene-line engineering is directed toward permanent change in disease resistance and aesthetic and functional enhancements.

Although I am conflicted on the subject, I am also for research and new cures. I need to do more research on why stem cells from fetuses are the number one choice instead of the other derived places in which I stated above.

One thing does stand in my mind. Research, we need to find out what works and what doesn't. Maybe someday soon there will be a cure for those with permanent disabilities as a result of brain damage. How incredible would that be? That our brains might be able repair areas damaged by stroke, traumas, or diseases. Cool, very cool.

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