Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Starbucks and Guns

I found this article on Yahoo News. Starbucks has taken an unexpected role in a growing clash over gun laws. Some gun owners have walked into Starbucks to test state laws that allow gun owners to carry weapons openly in public places. Gun control advocates have been protesting.

My first reaction was humor, but then as I thought more about the issue I was perturbed. Putting my self into the story do I really want everyone to be carrying guns. I don't know what a persons' mental health may be, or what might set them off and without thinking about it grab their gun.

Don't we have enough accidents as it is? Why set yourself up or others for what might be a dangerous situation. I for one am all guns. But they do have a purpose and a place. Why would someone want to carry a gun into a store for coffee? Just to look big? I carry my rifle when I hunt or to the shooting range. What is others purpose?

I thank Starbucks for not wanting to get in the middle of it, but also I am pissed off at the gun owners for putting Starbucks in this predicament. That in itself is childish and not to classy. And this was the people who were thinking of themselves and what they can do walking around with their guns. Enough said.

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