Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Teen pregnancy is on the rise after a ten year decline. There was a four percent rise in births and one percent rise in abortions. Compared to other countries, the United States has higher rates in teen pregnancy and in abortion. Could it be due to the current administrations tactics? The Obama administration's 2010 budget eliminated spending for abstinence-only, shifting funds to pregnancy prevention education. This included abstinence along with so called medically accurate and age appropriate information. The abstinence only programs, received about $1.3 billion in federal funds since the late 1990s; in which the 1990's were the U.S.'s lowest teen pregnancy and abortion rate.
My thoughts: It could just be a mere coincidence that this issue is on the rise after a 10 year decline. I hate it when people want to blame someone else for the issues. I am speaking of the current administration. Is it their fault? Who knows? Let's just try to solve it and get on with it! I think that in today's world teens have so much more pressure and stress. Let's face it; sex is a proven stress reliever. It is good for the body, mind, and soul. Not to say that teens need to be doing it. I believe there is a time and place for everything. Teens take on an "adult act" and they
sometimes have to face "adult decisions" that will affect the rest of their lives. Good or bad. So why not educate teens more on their level? Get the real issues out there. What they want need or are looking for. I do believe in abstinence, it’s safer. With the pregnancy on the rise, do these statistics give the circumstances of the tests? Meaning, maybe pregnancy is on the rise, because more young girls are choosing not to abort. Wow, I was a teen once and I remember the issues, thoughts and uncertainty I had in my head. I was educated on sides, abstinence and safe sex. I was married at the young age of seventeen going on eighteen (that's a song, right?). One year later we decided to have children. It’s scary for me to think how dramatically different my life would have been if I wasn't taught the importance of these issues. I just hope all five of my children value the importance of this issue and understand it. It is actually even being scarier for me now; one of my baby's have their own baby when they aren't even mentally, physically, socially ready themselves.
With that said, we are all human. We all fall into the gaps of not having self control at times in our lives. The difference is teens don't reason like an adult would.
This is me being honest and open on some thoughts I have on sex and teen pregnancy.
Read the article, just click below.


  1. Nice blog! I agree with all that you said. And it could be a result of this administrations actions. The Safe School Czar promotes homosexuality and perverse books for children to read. I think that the more stressed our society becomes, the more people try to find ways to ease that stress. When they aren't directed to healthy ways, they come up with their own. It may still be effective, but as you said, there are consequences. Abstinence needs to be promoted. I know it's not as fun as doing what feels good, but it is so much better in the long run.

  2. I agree that it is problem. However, it would seem that drinking may have more to do with it than anything. Not to mention that alot of kids are raising themselves. This two things that I have thought of and it might of added more to your case if you had included them in your summary.

  3. I didn't like the article. Nothing against you personally; but are we really going to blame education on teens getting prgnant? I do NOT believe in any way that it is anybodys job to teach my 3 daughters about sex, but me! I am their mother and I will NOT alow them to watch sex ed videos in 2nd grade! My daughter at the begining of the year brought home a note asking for my permission to go to a sex ed class about sex and her mestrual cycle. Are you serious? That's whats wrong with the world ! We are telling seven years olds about sex. WHY? At the age of seven my daughter should not be worring about any of this! This is a discussion that parents should be haveing with their children NOT any one else! Why put sex in a young girls head? Blame the parents NOT the teachers! If you raise your children right and are a good parent; your children will make the right decisions. I am a proven example. My parents never let anyone but them teach me about sex ed. and I was a virgin till I got married!!! I plan on continuing the cycle with my three girls.

  4. I feel that with the child support system being pro-mom and parents hands being tied in regards to disciplin there are too many incentives and not enough consequences for young girls. There are not enough women out there who will stand up and say hey I did it yeah I made it but it was hard and I wish I would have waited.

  5. The sex education issue! This is always a fun one! I'm glad you pointed out the blame game that always seems to accompany this topic. It seems like some people want a one size fits all plan, but that's not going to happen. I recently changed my stance from supporting abstinence only sex ed to supporting comprehensive sex ed. It takes a lot to get me to change my mind about something so this change was the result of a whole lot of research. One study I found by researchers at Columbia University showed that, "the correct use of contraception is responsible for 86% of the decrease in teen pregnancy as opposed to the 14% that is attributed to abstinence." That being said, I do agree very much with your stance; "Let's just try to solve it and get on with it!"
