Monday, December 16, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Massage Monday!
Are you stiff an in knots? Have a massage on Massage Monday! Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage and much more!
Call 417-439-0324
Or schedule online
deep tissue,
Massage Monday,
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Massage Joplin Mo
Executive Spa and Massage
New website!
Get your massage on!
Deep Tissue
Neuromuscular Therapy
Paraffin wax treatments
Aromatherapy salt and sugar glows
Ionic foot detox spa
Mineral Mud body wrap
deep tissue,
ionic foot detox,
Friday, November 22, 2013
5 ways to help your freaked out Neck and Shoulder Pain
Don't be freaked out by your sore neck and shoulders. 5 ways to schedule appointment here help your freaked out pain.
Practice good posture. Posture has more to do with neck pain than people realize. The head and spine balance in relation to gravity. When poor posture pulls the curve of the lower back forward, the upper back curves farther backward to compensate. In response, the neck curves forward, in a strained position. So do what your mother told you and sit up straight!
Relax. Emotional stress can trigger muscle tension. Pay attention to what stresses you: your drive to work, your rush to get dinner on the table each night, meetings with your boss, and so on. After you've identified your common stressors, think creatively about ways to reduce your stress. One way to manage stress is through relaxation techniques, such as progressive relaxation or abdominal breathing, a glass of wine, 2 glasses of wine(just kidding),video games,etc...Just whatever works for you.
Heat it up. Heat increases circulation and can be effective for easing stiff muscles. Use a wet towel or a hot water bottle, or stand in a hot shower. But don't keep it up for too long. Too much heat can aggravate symptoms and cause more pain. You might even want to try following up your heat application with a few minutes of cold treatment.
Ice it. Ice effectively numbs pain and decreases inflammation. Put crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover the bag with a pillowcase (a terry towel is too thick to effectively transmit the cold). Apply the icepack to your painful neck for 15 minutes at a time.
Use massage. Massage can help ease tense muscles and give lasting relief, and it may help you sleep better. First, take a hot bath or shower to relax the muscles. Then, have your partner use oil or lotion and rub your neck and shoulders using the fingers to apply gentle pressure in small circular motions. Next, have your partner rub your neck and shoulders using firm pressure and long, downward strokes. Don't forget the upper chest area. If you don't have a willing partner, try rubbing your own neck and upper chest area with oil or lotion for 10 or 15 minutes. Or even better call me! Bonnie Haldeman, Licensed Massage Therapist. I am educated to identify issues in soft tissue and help relieve and heal..... Get rid of your freaky pain today!schedule appointment here
Practice good posture. Posture has more to do with neck pain than people realize. The head and spine balance in relation to gravity. When poor posture pulls the curve of the lower back forward, the upper back curves farther backward to compensate. In response, the neck curves forward, in a strained position. So do what your mother told you and sit up straight!
Relax. Emotional stress can trigger muscle tension. Pay attention to what stresses you: your drive to work, your rush to get dinner on the table each night, meetings with your boss, and so on. After you've identified your common stressors, think creatively about ways to reduce your stress. One way to manage stress is through relaxation techniques, such as progressive relaxation or abdominal breathing, a glass of wine, 2 glasses of wine(just kidding),video games,etc...Just whatever works for you.
Heat it up. Heat increases circulation and can be effective for easing stiff muscles. Use a wet towel or a hot water bottle, or stand in a hot shower. But don't keep it up for too long. Too much heat can aggravate symptoms and cause more pain. You might even want to try following up your heat application with a few minutes of cold treatment.
Ice it. Ice effectively numbs pain and decreases inflammation. Put crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover the bag with a pillowcase (a terry towel is too thick to effectively transmit the cold). Apply the icepack to your painful neck for 15 minutes at a time.
Use massage. Massage can help ease tense muscles and give lasting relief, and it may help you sleep better. First, take a hot bath or shower to relax the muscles. Then, have your partner use oil or lotion and rub your neck and shoulders using the fingers to apply gentle pressure in small circular motions. Next, have your partner rub your neck and shoulders using firm pressure and long, downward strokes. Don't forget the upper chest area. If you don't have a willing partner, try rubbing your own neck and upper chest area with oil or lotion for 10 or 15 minutes. Or even better call me! Bonnie Haldeman, Licensed Massage Therapist. I am educated to identify issues in soft tissue and help relieve and heal..... Get rid of your freaky pain today!schedule appointment here
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Massage a Headache away
All of us suffer from a headache at one time or another. Some range from mild to excruciating pain. Did you know that there are massage techniques that can can help relieve your headache..... First off identify the type of headache you have.
Tension Headache is the most common type of headache. Its name indicates the role of stress and mental or emotional conflict in triggering the pain and contracting muscles in the neck, face, scalp, and jaw. Tension-type headaches may also be caused by jaw clenching, intense work, missed meals, depression, anxiety, or too little sleep. Thus a massage to the rescue! A massage on specific muscles to the head, neck region and trigger points can help relieve and relax the constriction, allowing for proper blood flow. Thus, bye bye headache! A Licensed Massage Therapist, is trained to deal with such issues. So call today an schedule your appointment to "MASSAGE AWAY YOUR HEADACHE TODAY"!
swedish massage,
Friday, October 4, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013
Are you B12 Deficient?
What do all these diseases have in common?
Alzheimer's, memory loss, dementia, MS, Depression, mental illness, bipolar,cardiovascular disease, learning or developmental disorders in kids, autism spectrum disorder, auto immune disease and immune dysregulation, cancer, male and female infertility...
ANSWER: they all mimic the signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.
B12 works together with Folate in the synthesis of DNA and Red Blood cells. It is also involved in the production of the myelin sheath around nerves, and the conduction of nerve impulses.
You can think of the brain and the nervousness system as a big tangle of wires. Myelin is the insulation that protects those wires and helps them to conduct messages.
B12 is the only vitamin that contains the trace element cobalt. Cobalt is only produced in the gut of animals. It's the only vitamin we can't get from plants or sunlight.plants don't need B12 so they don't store it. This is why more vegans are deficient.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Lack of storage? homemade remedy
PROBLEM: Are you like me and buy things in double, triple, or Godzilla size? I have a problem my canisters are too small to hold the giant bags of flour or rice and my garage is filling up with huge empty pickle jars....what? Like you don't buy giant jars of pickles.....I love buying in bulk and saving moola and only having to grocery shop once a month. Ok back to the problem, canisters to small...
REMEDY: Use those giant jars that are now empty and repurpose them!
Pic 1
This is the pickle jar with flour. Ugly she may be, but with some paint and label sticker she'll be a rising star in no time!
I used a 98 cent can of black matte spray paint and as you can see, I painted the lid and other lids because I tend to get excited with paint:)
Pic 3
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Healthy house 5 carpet facts
Do you know how much dirt and grime resides in your carpet? Anyone with indoor allergies would know....
1.The Norwalk virus or Norovirus (the virus that causes the stomach flu) can survive on an uncleaned carpet for a month or more.
2.Microbiologists have identified air blown from a running vacuum cleaner as one of the five places in the home that has the highest numbers of germs. Other places include dish sponges, washing machines, bathroom toilets during a flush, and kitchen trash cans.
3.A person sheds about 1.5 million skin flakes an hour, most of which becomes embedded in our carpets.
4.Studies at Anderson Labs, international experts report that mice have dropped dead after breathing some new carpet fumes.
5.Each year, several pounds of soil can accumulate in and under a carpet.
Nuff said ripping up carpet today :)
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Biking to the city
So today my husband and I wanted to go biking, but instead of in the valleys and hills we went biking in and through interstate and downtown traffic!
We hit the University, a couple of parks, best buy, the mall, pier one imports, Joplin high school. Best of all we found a couple of hidden trails behind best buy and a creek! Who knew! So of course I was the first to lay in the creek....
We got some exercise, fresh air, sweated. Most of all we saw are town in a different perspective and got to enjoy it instead of sitting at the light in traffic with a bad attitude and missing out on hidden treasures like the trail and creek we found. I challenge my friends to do the same, see and experience your town or city in a different way.....:)
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Biblical Foundations
Food and healthy living is so important that god instilled it in his word. The Bible says your body is the "temple" of God. In 1Corinthians 3:16-17 it says, "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple."
How do you treat your "temple"? Are you consuming real and perfect food God made for your complete nourishment or do you eat "food products" that were created by man? Although represented as "food", most of us eat processed food products, which have no real nutritional value. Just something to think about...
How do you treat your "temple"? Are you consuming real and perfect food God made for your complete nourishment or do you eat "food products" that were created by man? Although represented as "food", most of us eat processed food products, which have no real nutritional value. Just something to think about...
Past studies have shown us that adverse emotional experience ( a divorce, death, etc...) is one of the biggest single factor in predicting adult health, and virtually all of us have had such experiences, (speaking of myself). What does that say about our approach to bettering our own health or let me refraze, preventative health? The truth is that all emotional experience affects our health, whether positive or negative, and whether it occurs in the past or the present. Negative experiences appear to have more lasting health effects, perhaps because we don’t deal with them.
Hmm something to chew on huh?
So no drama please.;)
Hmm something to chew on huh?
So no drama please.;)
Ok ok we all know that exercise is good for the body, but what about the mind? Being physically active can bolster good mental health and help you to manage stress, anxiety and even depression
Regular exercise as you age keeps you strong, mobile and less dependent on others. Look at me I'm 45 and look 35.
Just kidding. But seriously garbage in garbage out or good health in good health out you choose.:)
Regular exercise as you age keeps you strong, mobile and less dependent on others. Look at me I'm 45 and look 35.
Just kidding. But seriously garbage in garbage out or good health in good health out you choose.:)
All of us are lacking in sleep! Rest is crucial to our well being. This is when our bodies stop digestion and work on repair and recover. The period of which this happens is Rapid Eye Movement or better known as REM. There are 4 stages of REM. Interruption of REM sleep will result in daytime fatigue; premature aging, stress and a depressed immune system.; can make one cranky, irritable and have headaches and difficulty in concentration. I know this first hand!
So go get some REM so your body can recoop and restore its energy levels.
So go get some REM so your body can recoop and restore its energy levels.
Stress has an effect on digestive system. During stress digestion is inhibited or stops all together. Adrenaline released during a stress response may also cause ulcers.It can effect the immune system by causing high blood pressure and hyper tension, which all leads to weaken immunity. So de-stress!
The rays from sunshine act as a natural antiseptic. These rays can kill viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, fungi, and mites in air, water, and on different surfaces including your skin. I remember my mother once a year would take out our mattresses and leave them on our basketball court to let the sun disinfect them, she was a smart lady!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Our bodies were created to cleanse itself. Our main organs that do this are:
COLON, The main role is to flush out toxic chemicals.
LIVER,the liver acts as a filter preventing toxins from food entering the blood stream.
Kidneys, these consistently filter the blood and passing the toxins out the urine.
Very important to keep these organs at their best, so they can do their job and cleanse us thus, keeping the rest of our body healthy!
Ahhh that gets your attention. Did you know that every cell in our body depends on water?
2/3's of our body consist of water, that is 60-70%.
Our brain alone is 90% water! Shhhyeah weird I know, but that is why when a person is dehydrated one of the symptoms is a headache or migraine.
H2O helps to detoxify. It is also transports nutrients to our cells and helps our organs to absorb nutrients better. Our blood has 83% water in it. Muscles consist of 75%. Lets not leave out our bones, they consist of 22% water.
Aqua protects our vital organs and regulates body temperature. Want to look younger? Drink more water, it helps to replenish skin tissue, moisturizes skin, and increases skins elasticity.
So what are you waiting for? Drink a glass of water!
Ahhh that gets your attention. Did you know that every cell in our body depends on water?
2/3's of our body consist of water, that is 60-70%.
Our brain alone is 90% water! Shhhyeah weird I know, but that is why when a person is dehydrated one of the symptoms is a headache or migraine.
H2O helps to detoxify. It is also transports nutrients to our cells and helps our organs to absorb nutrients better. Our blood has 83% water in it. Muscles consist of 75%. Lets not leave out our bones, they consist of 22% water.
Aqua protects our vital organs and regulates body temperature. Want to look younger? Drink more water, it helps to replenish skin tissue, moisturizes skin, and increases skins elasticity.
So what are you waiting for? Drink a glass of water!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Fresh Air
We forget about the importance of spending time outside and underestimate the health benefits of spending time outdoors. If you ARE spending most of your time inside the air conditioned office or home, you are forcing your body to use stale air. By doing so you are making it harder for your body to stay healthy and fresh.
Fresh air is good for digestion.
Improves your blood pressure and heart rate. It makes you happier and it strengthens your immune system. Fresh air cleans your lungs. You will have more energy and sharper mind.
So go outdoors take a deep breath, your body will thank you. ;)
Fresh air is good for digestion.
Improves your blood pressure and heart rate. It makes you happier and it strengthens your immune system. Fresh air cleans your lungs. You will have more energy and sharper mind.
So go outdoors take a deep breath, your body will thank you. ;)
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I'm back!
Hello fellow blog readers! Bonnie is back and in a big way. I am currently a student at Blue Cliff Career College in Mobile, AL and I am studying Massage Therapy. I am having the time of my life! Massage Therapy aligns with my past college education of Natropathy, and Physical Therapy. Giving the body what it needs in order to heal itself; water, air, fresh foods, and getting rid of the stress. My voyage will and has already taken me to bigger and better things, this is my time that God has prepared for me. My mission is to bring blessing and relief to those in need through Massage therapy.So Welcome to Bonnie101
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